Some of you may have noticed (or are regularly visiting) our Practice Space where we offer a Daily Question to enhance grateful awareness. Each day we are moved by and learn from the responses that appear. The reflections are joyful, poignant, subtle, poetic, loving, generous, sophisticated, playful, vulnerable, and, of course, infused with gratitude.
We offer the following selection of responses to one of our recent Daily Questions. May these reflections open a doorway to gratefully loving the world and finding ways to live accordingly.
What is revealed when I endeavor to see through the eyes of others?
“When I truly see through the eyes of another, I experience a state of stillness within myself and I know the right words to say and the right actions needed to bring about solace, peace and joy for both myself and the other person with whom I have empathy.” ~ Angela
“Empathy allows me to look at various perspectives and empathize with those whose perspectives differ from mine, so that I can take that lived experience of another, incorporate it into my values, and rethink the way I live based on that perspective. Even if I don’t agree, I can learn to empathize with a point of view that differs from mine. I begin to see ethical truths at a deeper level that are based on human experience.” ~ Hot Sauce
“That most people are doing the best they can with what is available.” ~ Dominic

Photo by Mohammad Mahdi Samei
“My eyes are not the only eyes through which God gleans his grandeur; and not only that, my eyes are just one set, among billions. Other perspectives allow me to see things different, to understand where someone is coming from and thus to better refine my own words and actions. Walking in someone else’s shoes sure helps journey towards solidarity and understanding, but viewing the sights from another’s view opens different vistas of purpose, understanding, and most importantly wisdom.” ~ Mark Piper
“I see how the other thinks and feels and it allows me to sense the depth In loving awareness that may or may not warrant a response.” ~ Toni
“A different point of view. A struggle that is not my own. A perspective that I may not have noticed. A need different than my own. It makes me more compassionate, more grateful, more understanding and perhaps tolerable.” ~ Teri B.

Photo by Simon Abrams
“I drop my ego and open up to see and listen free of my own perceptions so I can really know and understand their wisdom and how the world is for them.” ~ Melissa
“I have learned that another person’s reality can be just as valid as my own and that I don’t have all the answers.” ~ Peg
“The whole picture. The reality, or at least something closer to it.” ~ Chester
“That it is not all about me…What is revealed is the pain, suffering, joy and perceptions of others, their history, context and life experiences. At times that changes everything.” ~ Katrina

Photo by Christina Chauskina
“The possibility that I just might be – gasp! – wrong!
In jest I sometimes repeat the words I learned from my very humorous mother: “I have many faults, but being wrong isn’t one of them.” But in actual fact I am frequently wrong, because I can be attached to fixed and old ideas ingrained from a point of view from where my feet are planted on the earth. But because I can pivot 360° on my spot on the earth, I can consider multiple viewpoints and expand my horizons.
Being wrong is liberating.” ~ Pollyanna Gladwell
“The path to connection through the doorway of compassion. A step away from reaction and a step towards seeing a wider truth.” ~ Rachel
“Greater understanding.” ~ Kevin
And for you, what is revealed when you endeavor to see through the eyes of others?
I am reading great thoughts from others and am writing in my journal but see that I am not really in touch with my feelings/thoughts for very long. When they occur it’s a fleeting moment. Whatever the reason I will continue to read, write and listen.