“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” ~ John O’Donohue

Of all the voices of nature, there is nothing more relaxing than the gentle gurgling of a brook.

In the midst of busily preparing for my forthcoming 6-month “Soundscape Recording Expedition” to the American West, I decided to take a break and spend some time at one of my favorite wild areas here in the rolling hills of upstate New York: Shindagin Hollow.

Surrounded by towering hemlocks and hardwoods, I focused on the ever-changing yet soothingly constant voice of a small mountain stream…water singing water…a forest lullaby that helped relax my spirit and prepare me for a busy day at work, planning my expedition and taking care of other business.

shindagin hollow foggy morning

Gurgling Brook. Recorded in Shindagin Hollow, 8 a.m., 22 January 2017. © Lang Elliott.

I embark on my expedition on February 22nd and should arrive in the coastal Louisiana marshes by the 25th. I will spend several days there, exploring salt marshes, brackish marshes, and freshwater impoundments in search of interesting sounds, especially at night and in the wee hours of the morn.

After that, I will trek through Texas and then on to Arizona, the Great Basin, and eventually all the western mountain ranges. Throughout my expedition, I will be sharing recordings via my blog and also here in the Sound Sanctuary.

I am so excited that my journey is about to begin!

Please visit musicofnature.com and sign up for my newsletter so that you can follow the progress of my expedition. While you’re there, be sure to check out the new “Sound Map”, where markers will appear through time, allowing you to track the progress of my journey and enjoy my best pure-nature soundscape recordings.

Gratefully yours,

Lang Elliott

Lang Elliott, a nature author, speaker, cinematographer, sound recordist, photographer, and poet. Learn more about Lang and browse his premium pure nature recordings at Music of Nature.

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