
The Little Things: Acknowledge Fears

by The Grateful Living Team
Welcome to the third of our seven-day practice celebrating the seemingly “little” things that can…
News & Announcements

Grateful Living Resources: A Pandemic Care Package

by The Grateful Living Team
“As life becomes harder and more threatening, it also becomes richer, because the fewer expectations we…

The Little Things: Connect with This Moment

by The Grateful Living Team
Welcome to the second of our seven-day practice celebrating the seemingly “little” things that can…

The Little Things: Breathe

by The Grateful Living Team
Welcome to the first of our seven-day practice celebrating the seemingly “little” things that can…

Video Recordings: Spirituality and Social Change Symposium

by The Grateful Living Team
A dynamic afternoon of conversation exploring the landscape of engaged spiritual practice and action for…
Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: Nature 365

by The Grateful Living Team
Nature 365 is a web documentary project that offers a poetic and authentic window into…

Exploring the Blank Canvas: A Practice

by The Grateful Living Team
When we’re willing to greet life with curiosity, we help to both usher in and…

Share the Gift of Grateful Living

by The Grateful Living Team
You are invited to share the Gift of Grateful Living widely and joyfully. It is…
News & Announcements

Gathering Gratefully in the Time of the Coronavirus

by The Grateful Living Team
"Between the dark sky and the dark earth we hang a light in a dark…
clean water running through a pair of hands

Handwashing: A Grateful Practice

by The Grateful Living Team
Washing your hands is an act of love.Dori Midnight The 20 seconds recommended to “lather…
News & Announcements

Living Gratefully in the Time of Coronavirus

by The Grateful Living Team
“As life becomes harder and more threatening, it also becomes richer, because the fewer expectations…

From Obligation to Opportunity

by The Grateful Living Team
What would it take to see the considerations, commitments and responsibilities in our lives as…
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