A small backyard raised garden bed with herbs and lettuces
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Seeds of Hope

by The Grateful Living Community
Our community reflects on the question "What seeds of hope am I actively planting and…
close up of a person's hand holding a small yellow flower
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Cultivating Gratefulness

by The Grateful Living Community
Gratefulness is a setting of the heart, one that I can choose like a wavelength…
a person holding and blowing on a white dandelion flower
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Wisdom from Life’s Garden

by The Grateful Living Community
"In creating a place of honor for every issue, and every experience, we create a different…
silhouette of person gazing up at night sky
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Moments of Wonder

by The Grateful Living Community
"Every moment is unique, offering its own way to connect to what is deepest within…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Savoring the Day

by The Grateful Living Community
"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Trusting Life

by The Grateful Living Community
Deep trust in life is not a feeling but a stance that you deliberately take.…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: The Simplest Things That Bring Joy

by The Grateful Living Community
"It is a great privilege to be able to enjoy the bread-and-cheese of life --…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Honoring Tenderness

by The Grateful Living Community
"Compassionate action starts with seeing yourself when you start to make yourself right and when…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: When Generosity Surprises

by The Grateful Living Community
"We cannot waste our time believing we can achieve an ideal self or community. All…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Seeing Through the Eyes of Others

by The Grateful Living Community
Some of you may have noticed (or are regularly visiting) our Practice Space where we offer a…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Honoring Nature’s Gifts

by The Grateful Living Community
"Gratitude is most powerful as a response to the Earth because it provides an opening…
Community Reflections

Community Reflections: Where is Beauty?

by The Grateful Living Community
"Whenever I experience something beautiful, I am with Soul. That moment of inward breath, that…
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