Community Reflections
Our community reflects on the question, "Given that we are all perfectly imperfect, how might…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Interpretations of Gratitude
Our community reflects on the question "How has my interpretation of gratitude changed through the…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Grief and Gratefulness
Our community reflects on the question "Have I ever experienced gratefulness in the midst of…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Presence
Our community reflects on the question "What helps me remember to be present in the…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Courage
Our community reflects on the question "What have I done recently that has required courage?"

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Seeds of Hope
Our community reflects on the question "What seeds of hope am I actively planting and…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Cultivating Gratefulness
Our community reflects on the question, "How do I cultivate gratefulness within myself and with…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Wisdom from Life’s Garden
Our community reflects on the question,"In the garden of life, what have the weeds taught…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Moments of Wonder
Our community reflects on the question,"What moments fill me with wonder?"

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Savoring the Day
"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from…