Stories of Grateful Living

Gratitude’s Flip Side

by Laura Grace Weldon
People in positions of authority need to know when their judgments or actions are harmful.…
Family smiling at camera.
Stories of Grateful Living

Life-Saving Gratitude

by Kristina Voyna
In February 2015, I should have been fine. I had a great job, a good…
Cecilia Fernandez-Hall
Stories of Grateful Living

Grateful…in the Worst Three Weeks of My Life

by Cecilia Fernandez-Hall, Ph.D.
At first I thought, “What is the point?” and then I thought, “Why not now?” About 19…
Woman rests her head on the shoulder of a man and waves at camera.
Stories of Grateful Living

When Gratitude Holds Hands with Grief

by Elaine Mansfield
“He’s conscious,” the nurse says. I trust this Vietnam vet with his acne scarred face…
Stories of Grateful Living

Voices of Gratitude

by Adetola Abiade
Gratefulness is like a soul movement which is contagious and bonds humanity - family, friend…
Light surrounding broken bones
Stories of Grateful Living

After the Fall

by Torkin Wakefield
My foot is trapped between this and that and I fall like a stone. I…
Stories of Grateful Living

Through Santa’s Eyes

by Carol Ann Conner
Many years ago, when I was employed by a small market radio station, our entire…
Stories of Grateful Living

The Gratitude Dharma

by Matthew Villarreal
For seven years, I have quested for wisdom, insights, questions, meaning, mystery, and adventure. Though…
Stories of Grateful Living

Hidden Treasure of the Heart

by Diane Worthey
Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist…
Stories of Grateful Living

A Nightmare Becomes A Blessing in Disguise

by Dennis Augustine
“The most effective cure and healing occur when the patient decides to heal himself.” ~…
graveyard crocuses
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratitude for My Ancestors

by Catherine Heighway
I felt my heart shift from the iron weightiness of grief to a lighter feeling…
Stories of Grateful Living

The Gifts of Love, Loss and the Little Things

by Jürg “Fed” Federer
Never have I experienced gratitude in a purer way than when I have lost a…
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