Community Reflections
Our community reflects on the question "What seeds of hope am I actively planting and…

Community Reflections
Community Reflections: Cultivating Gratefulness
Gratefulness is a setting of the heart, one that I can choose like a wavelength…

Truly Wealthy
Green Renaissance produces gorgeous short films that uplift the personal stories of ordinary people, with…

30 Daily Practice Ideas for Living Gratefully
This offering of 30 daily gratitude practice ideas ranges from simple actions to reflective meditations…

Earth Altars: A Practice for Grateful Living
It was a meditative experience placing the first acorn, and the next, and letting the…

The Wholehearted Journey of Our Lives
Grateful living directs us toward what matters, what is meaningful, and what will make a…

A Mighty Purpose
In this video, Bronwen Lankers-Byrne inspires us to stand up for that which we hold…

New Year Transformation: Resources for the Journey
“What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation…

Turning New Year’s Resolutions into Revelations
How about bringing a more gentle form of motivation, rooted in appreciation, celebration, and acceptance,…

Bright Word Mandala Practice
Handwriting bright word mandalas is a practice of TaikoPeace, a movement started by renowned taiko…