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“What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.”

Jiddu Krishnamurti

The new year often brings with it a welcome sense of possibility as we bid farewell to the old and embrace the potential of what’s to come. Even as global challenges continue to contribute to a sense of heightened uncertainty, opportunity awaits when we situate ourselves in gratefulness. 

Orienting to the most essential aspects of life offers solid ground from which to move into the future with intention and creativity. As we seek meaningful approaches to daily living, we can open ourselves to the poignancy of life and our connection to each other, to the extraordinary nature of the universe and this time in particular, and to the transformative benefits of living gratefully. How will you step into this new year? Who do you want to be — as an individual and in community? What role will gratefulness play? 

May this collection of resources help to support you in welcoming the new year with curiosity, courage, possibility, and a deepening appreciation of the opportunities in each moment.

Silhouette of a person sitting by a pond at sunset, with vibrant colors of the sky reflected in the water

The Possible Is Always Present

by Joe Primo, Grateful Living
This essay illuminates how the practice of grateful living leads to a clear perspective from…
Arrangement of gratitude reflection cards, phone, and glasses on black background

7-Day Gratitude Journey

by The Grateful Living Team
This guided journey — created in collaboration with our partners at Holstee and hosted on…
Woman's hand holding a shedded butterfly wing in her palm
Stories of Grateful Living

Gratitude for Shedding

by Alex Elle
In this story of Grateful Living, Alex Elle shares insight on how gratefulness relates to…

Rise Up Again

by Reflections of Life
In this short film, Mpumelelo Ncwadi shares how he believes that we can bounce forward…

A Grateful Day

by Br. David Steindl-Rast
This short video awakens us to the wonders of our our world, reminds us about…

Questions to Consider When Waking

by Bernadette Miller
What would you do if you really knewthat life was wanting to sing through you?…
A bowl of soup with a wooden spoon dripping above it.

For a New Year

by Holly Wren Spaulding
Let plain things please you againand every ordinary Monday.Bean soup in a white bowl,firewood in…

Reflection Questions

  • What does transformation mean to you? What motivates you to learn, to grow, to continue deepening and expanding your experience of life and the world?
  • What hopes and longings do you have for the coming year?
  • Who do you want to be? What capacities and practices might support you in being your fullest, most authentic self in the year ahead?
  • What visions do you have for the world? How might you take steps to realize these visions?
  • What possibilities emerge when you open to transformation with a grateful heart?

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