Stories of Grateful Living

Living Gratefully Creates a Generous Energy

by Lisa Valentine
Living gratefully doesn’t insulate me from life, it allows me to more readily embrace joy…

A Habitual Waiter

by Eckhart Tolle
Gratitude for the present moment and the fullness of life now is true prosperity. Are…
Grateful Changemakers

Grateful Changemakers: Hands Across the Hills

by The Grateful Living Team
We see the impact ...and know that our project offers hope in very hopeless times…

Embracing The Great Fullness of Life

by Kristi Nelson
We have ideas in mind about most everything...and while these concepts can offer us valuable…
Stories of Grateful Living

Nature Recording – My Journey

by Lang Elliott
Nature author, speaker, cinematographer, sound recordist, photographer, and generous contributor of soundscapes to our Sound…

For Life’s Abundance

by Pierre Pradervand
When you bless a situation or a person, you are also saying thank you to…

How to Teach Gratitude to Tweens and Teens

by Greater Good Science Center
"Thanks! A Strengths-Based Curriculum" features lessons to help students understand the meaning of gratitude and…

The One Life We’re Given

by Mark Nepo
Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart
Stories of Grateful Living

Worst Christmas Became Most Memorable Christmas

by Laura Grace Weldon
I could only tell her that whoever left her porch that night must have wanted…

Gratefulness: Greater than Gratitude

by Kristi Nelson
Three cheers for the November 21st Washington Post book review by Mitch Horowitz, for bringing…

Why a Grateful Brain Is a Giving One

by Greater Good Science Center
The neural connection between gratitude and altruism is very deep, suggests new research.
Stories of Grateful Living

Differently-Abled People Remind Us of the Value of Compassion

by VR Ferose
“I can’t help but feel that some imbalance in the world first caused neuro-atypical people…
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