Stories of Grateful Living The Gifts of Love, Loss and the Little Things by Jürg “Fed” Federer Never have I experienced gratitude in a purer way than when I have lost a…
Articles 7 Simple and Powerful Ways to Cultivate Comfort by Colette Lafia Colette Lafia shares simple and practical ways to offer the gifts of comfort and compassion…
Articles About “A Grateful Day” by The Grateful Living Team Beloved by many, it is used for daily meditation by individuals and groups, in schools,…
Article Hearty Gratitude Practices by Jennifer J. Wilhoit, PhD I am giddy, smitten, overcome with palpable gratitude: I just viewed a photograph I took…
Stories of Grateful Living The Gift of Presence by Toni Palombi The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh…
Stories of Grateful Living Visiting Brother David at Mount Saviour by Robert S. Cox The monastic life is like digging into a well: over the years you dig deeper…
Stories of Grateful Living Walking Each Other Home by Dena Smith She took both of my hands and squeezed them firmly; looked into my eyes for…
Articles Training Our Trains of Thought by Kristi Nelson Difficult mental and emotional patterns can teach us a lot about developing positive patterns, if…
Stories of Grateful Living What Took You So Long? by Gyani Richards What a blessing that our lives can become something we’d never dreamed of, that years…
Stories of Grateful Living A Special Guide by Annette Fernandez We can still touch people in small ways no matter what nationality, colour, religion or…
Articles Leaping into the Unknown by Nicos Hadjicostis Whether big or small, the Unknown beckons us to move forward, explore new ways of…
Stories of Grateful Living Bee Love by Debra Roberts I believe love is the ultimate form of activism, the ultimate good thought, embodied through…