Deepening our capacity for presence, perspective, and possibility in our relationships can transform our experience…
How to Talk with Kids about Gratitude
(July, 2019) A delightful, short video illustrating how parents can have conversations with kids to…
Br. David Steindl-Rast on Purpose and Meaning
In a predominant focus on purpose, however, we often miss the meaning of life —…
Commencement Speeches to Inspire
Each year at this time, millions of college students around the United States participate in…
Living an Abundant Life – A Talk and Guided Meditation
It will take work to bring the wisdom of what is shared here to life,…
Cultivating a Practice: Grateful Living as a Way of Life
Cultivation is a form of practice and harnesses the energy of purposefulness. We can cultivate…
Stories of Grateful Living
Worst Christmas Became Most Memorable Christmas
I could only tell her that whoever left her porch that night must have wanted…
Why a Grateful Brain Is a Giving One
The neural connection between gratitude and altruism is very deep, suggests new research.
A New Story
My father was a seanchaí (the Gaelic word for a storyteller/historian)—not by trade but in…
You are Me and I am You
More and more we are witnessing how an ever-growing number of people are developing an…